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02 Nov 2020 by Ludwig Boltzmann

CONNECT first workshop

o-Creation Workshop on the communication and utilisation of medical research results.

Participation in the development of research projects

In November, MedUni Graz (Selma Mautner), the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Pulmonary Vascular Research – Grazyna Kwapiszewska) and the Copenhagen Business School (Marion Pötz) organised the first co-creation workshop of the CONNECT project. The CONNECT project is developing a new process that enables different users of medical research results to participate in the development of new research projects in an innovative and open way and on an equal footing.

The co-creation workshop was a first step towards achieving this goal: researchers, doctors from various disciplines, patients, relatives, therapists and carers worked together to develop ways of communicating the latest findings from fibrosis research in such a way that users can contribute their experiences based on them. The type of communication developed in the workshop will subsequently be used in a crowdsourcing process to give a voice to many patients affected by fibrosis or fibrosing processes and their families, doctors, therapists and carers. Building on this, it will be possible to participate in a process for the joint development of new research projects in the field of fibrosis diseases.


a. CONNECT: First workshop
b. CONNECT: First workshop